When: Where: |
Excelsior Outer Mission Broad/Randolph Business Attraction & Support Committee
Committee will resume Spring 2020 on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6pm 35 San Juan Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94112 |
MissionWorking with EAG's Board of Directors and Executive Director, the Business Attraction and Support Committee's mission is to cultivate strategies around business attraction, implement business attraction strategies, and identify resources to support local merchants in order to promote their success.
Who's InvolvedChair: Mel Flores
Contact InfoFor more information or ways to get involved, please contact mflores@eagsf.org
Get to know about the Excelsior, Outer Mission and Broad/Randolph Commercial Corridors |
Projects Excelsior Outer Mission Community Visioning Project
Legacy Business Registry Project Corridor Ambassador Program Business Attraction Strategy Corridor Database Project Meeting / Events DateTBD